Encouragement . Wisdom . Truth

Refreshing Your Soul
Welcome. If you love reading inspirational content based on the Word of God then you are at the right place. Find uplifting posts, proverb meanings, Bible story reflections and relatable day-to-day encouragement. Give yourself a fresh start in the morning or refresh your mind and soul anytime of the day.


Out of Scripture

Spying Out Your Promised Land: Interpreting Conflicting Circumstances With Eyes Of Faith

From Numbers Chapters 13 & 14. Has God made you some promises but the circumstances are contradicting? Should everything line up nicely and neatly as you approach the 'Promised Land?' No better place to find the answer than from the...
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Wisdom from Proverbs

Proverbs 31: Why God Put “The Proverbs 31 Woman” In Scripture

There’s no doubt that the woman spoken of by King Lemuel’s mother was a woman of excellence. She was God-fearing and of good character. This proverb was meant to enable the king discern the kind of woman he ought to...
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Christian Music - Anytime, Anywhere

If you love Christian inspirational and worship music, you’re a click/tap away from listening to your favorite songs. So why not go ahead and enjoy a music break while you’re here. 



If there’s a story in the Bible that illustrates how God can work through challenging circumstances, and life’s most painful experiences to beautifully fulfill a dream or vision, then it has to be the story of Joseph. The young man, only seventeen, starts out being sold as a slave and ends up second-in-command of all ancient Egypt.

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The Psalms have always been looked at as a good source of encouragement. Most of them are from David and about his own life. God delivered him from several difficult and sometimes life-threatening situations. We can look to them as a demonstration of God’s faithfulness and have hope in our own challenges. 

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