Put Out Into The Deep

From passage in Luke 5: 1-11. What have you been doing lately that has brought you much frustration? Maybe you need to stop trying to do it on your own and let God tell you where to “fish”. Like the fishermen in the passage referenced above, we sometimes want to achieve success on our own … Read more

Staying In Faith

From Mathew 14:22-33. Why did you doubt? Jesus asked Simon Peter this question at one time. Quite often we, like the disciple, have been candidates for the same question. We could be walking in faith then suddenly there is a threatening shift and we fall apart with doubt. It is interesting to note that Jesus … Read more

Angry at God: In The Footsteps Of Job

Job was a faithful servant of God who experienced so much tragedy that he questioned the meaning of life. Although he never lost faith in God, he did wonder why good people were subject to as much suffering—if not more, than the wicked. In frustration and anger he cast many questions towards his Creator. Some … Read more

26 Encouraging Bible Verses

Everyone could do with some encouragement from time to time. These are verses from different parts of the Word of God that will remind you why you should have hope. We pray they renew your faith and strengthen you as you read. I. Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut … Read more